Friday, May 8, 2009
i wanna go back
i miss paraguay sooooooooo much!!! i just want to go back... its been four months since i have been back in the united states and I am not happy... i miss my life there my friends are so important to me... i am missing out on so much there... i love my family and friends here in the USA OBVIOUSLY.... but i mean i am so at home in Paraguay and i WANT to be there... i never thought that would happen... butttt it did so now i am just sooo sad
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
ijueeeeeeeeeee pete!!!!
IJUEEEEEEEEEEEEE no puedo creerrrrr en serio!!!! en un poco mas de una semana voy a estar en eeuu!!! que extrano que va ser!!!! yo no se nada de alla!!!! todo es tan diferente, no parece mio!!!! en la verdad tengo miedo a volverme alla!!!! estoy TAN acostumbrada a la vida de una paraguayita!!!!!!!! que voy hacer sin mis gente aca!!! sin mi cultura aca!!! mmmmmmmmm va ser bien a volver y ver todasss pero igual no mas... estoy muy muy muy nerviosa!!!!!!!!!! dios te pido por tu ayuda!!!!!!
Monday, December 22, 2008
hoy regrese a asuncion!!! :D

holaa!!!! por fin regrese a asuncion hoy de mi viaje del curso a camboriu brasil!! estuvo en viaje 10 dias!!! y ahora en pasado mañana va ser navidad.... no puedo creer, en la verdad en estes momentos estoy pensando mucho en mi año intercambio!! estoy pensando mucho en los bendiciones y todo.... estoy tan agradecido a dios para este oportunidad y para todo el ayuda de mis amigos y familiares.... te agradecir a cada una de ustedes por tu ayuda con todas tus oraciones, tus donaciones... todo... en serio cada una de ustedes eran una parte de este experiencia!!!! no solo que me fui a paraguay tambien tenia el oportunidad a irme a brasil con mi curso... que maravilloso es nuestro salavador!!!! ahora mi tiempo aca en mi hogar me queda poco... pero cada dia es una bendicion a mi vida....
heyyy!!! i am finally in asuncion, for the trip to brasil with my classmates.... i was in 10 days brasil.... and in 2 days will be christmas, i can´t believe it!!! in the truth in these momentos i thinking lot about my year intercambio!!! i am think alot about the blessing and all of it....i am so very thankfule to god for this chance and also por my friends and family... i thanks you all for everything.. yours prayers, and verdad everyones a parte of my trip here... i did not just come here to paraguay.. i went to brasil tambien with my maravilloso is our god..... no i am here in my home(paraguay) and here just for alittle..but every days is a blessing to my life!!!!
these are pics my friend and sister in brasil
and don´t worry the tatoo is fake lol
Thursday, December 11, 2008
entrega de los titulossss
hoy es mi entregas de los titulossss.... no puede creer que ya llegamos a este dia!!! que emocion!!!! estoy tan felizzzz...
today is my graduacion... i can´t believe we´ve come to this day!!!! what emocion!!!! i am sooooo happy!!! :D :D: :D :D
today is my graduacion... i can´t believe we´ve come to this day!!!! what emocion!!!! i am sooooo happy!!! :D :D: :D :D
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
anoche fue maravillosa!!!!!! exploto ayer en el yacht!!! Mi colacion era hermosa igual con todo los diferencias adentro el curso durante este año todo de anoche fue lo mejor dia de mi vida....y creo por todos tambien.... mi vestido y los de las chicas eran HERMOSOSSSS... los tipos eran churros... y por esa noche nosotros eran los estrellas!!! cuando yo canto con phillip estaba NERVIOSA pero NERVIOSA NERVIOSA!!!! estaba engripada pero igual papito dios me ayudo y todo los invitados le encantaron....!!!! :D :D :D :D yo pasaste anoche con las personas que son lo mas importante para mi vida.... nos bailamos, sonreimos, gritamos, cantamos... fue increible... una noche que nunca voy a olvidar... y siempre va ser unas de las dias mas importante....
last night was marvolous... we exploted in the yacht yesterday!!! my colacion waas beautfil... with the differneces within everyone in the curso in this year everything yesterday was the best day of my life and for the others too.... my dress and the dresses of the girls were beautifil and the boys were handsome!!!!and for that night we were stars!!!!! when i sang with phillip i was nervious but really really nervous because i was sick and my nose and throat were working... but my father god helped me through it all.... everyone loved it!!! i passed yesterday with the people who are the most importante for my life... danced,laughed,screamed, singed it was amazing!!! one night i will never forget... and i that will always be one of the days most importante in my life...
when i have the pics i will put them up!!!
last night was marvolous... we exploted in the yacht yesterday!!! my colacion waas beautfil... with the differneces within everyone in the curso in this year everything yesterday was the best day of my life and for the others too.... my dress and the dresses of the girls were beautifil and the boys were handsome!!!!and for that night we were stars!!!!! when i sang with phillip i was nervious but really really nervous because i was sick and my nose and throat were working... but my father god helped me through it all.... everyone loved it!!! i passed yesterday with the people who are the most importante for my life... danced,laughed,screamed, singed it was amazing!!! one night i will never forget... and i that will always be one of the days most importante in my life...
when i have the pics i will put them up!!!
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